Canada’s Obligation to Welcome Refugees: A Compelling Case



Canada’s commitment to refugee protection and resettlement is a longstanding one, dating back to the immediate aftermath of World War II. Canada has always been a leading voice in the international community on the issue of refugee protection, and it has played an important role in helping to shape and implement global norms and standards concerning refugees. Canada’s obligation to welcome refugees is not only a moral one, but also a legal one under international and domestic law. In this article, we will explore why Canada’s obligation to welcome refugees is a compelling case.

History of Canada’s Commitment to Refugees

Canada has a long tradition of welcoming refugees, particularly since the post-World War II era. In the early 1950s, Canada welcomed large numbers of refugees from Europe as part of the post-war resettlement effort. In the 1970s, Canada became a leader in the resettlement of refugees from Southeast Asia. Since then, Canada has continued to resettle refugees from around the world, including from Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Canada has always been at the forefront of the international community when it comes to refugee protection and resettlement.

Legal Obligations

Canada’s obligation to welcome refugees is not only a moral one, but also a legal one. Under international law, refugees are individuals who are outside their country of origin and are unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin because of a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Countries, including Canada, have a legal obligation to protect refugees and provide them with access to asylum procedures.

Impact of Canada’s Refugee Claimant System

Canada’s refugee claimant system is designed to provide individuals who are seeking refuge in Canada with a fair and unbiased process for determining their eligibility for protection. The system is intended to provide refugees with access to justice and ensure that they are able to fully present their case for why they need protection. By providing individuals with access to a robust refugee claimant system, Canada is able to demonstrate its commitment to the protection of refugees and uphold its legal obligations under international and domestic law.

Benefits of Welcoming Refugees

Welcoming refugees is not only a moral and legal obligation, but it also has significant economic, social, and cultural benefits for Canada. Refugees bring with them a wealth of skills, experiences, and cultural diversity that enriches Canada’s social fabric. They contribute to Canada’s economy by starting businesses, creating jobs, and paying taxes. They integrate into Canadian society and contribute to its cultural mosaic. Canada’s ongoing commitment to welcoming refugees has helped to strengthen the country and ensure that it remains a diverse and prosperous nation.


Canada’s obligation to welcome refugees is a compelling case. It is not only a moral and legal obligation, but it also has significant economic, social, and cultural benefits for Canada. Through its robust refugee claimant system and longstanding commitment to refugee protection and resettlement, Canada has shown that it is a leader in the international community on this issue. As the world continues to face numerous refugee crises, Canada’s ongoing commitment to welcoming refugees will be a vital component of its identity and its role in the global community.